Dawes Family Practice


Our surgery operates an appointment booking system. Certain appointments are available to book up to 4 weeks in advance. Otherwise you have to use our book on the day service.

Should you choose to call into the surgery to book an appointment, this can be done at the reception desk after 8.00am on open day. Please remember the phones lines take priority

We do try to offer you the doctor of your choice, but if this is not possible you will be offered an appointment with another doctor at the surgery.

Please note blood appointments can only be offered at certain times in the day to enable the bloods to be processed and sent of to the lab; Therefore it is important to telephone the surgery to arrange a blood test..

Telephone consultation

When booking a telephone consultation the patient cannot not expect a diagnosis to be made for a condition, nor should they request any antibiotics via a telephone consultation.

Issuing of antibiotics will only be provided by a GP either in a face to face consultation, or due to a result from a test. Please use our on line booking system wherever possible.

Same day appointments

To book appointments for the same day you will need to ring the surgery from 8.00am pressing option 1 to be put through to the appointment desk.

Home visits

If you are housebound and/or too ill to come to into the surgery and require a home visit, please call the surgery before 10.30am on the day of your request, again pressing option 1 for visits. Later requests may not be responded to until the next working day. Home visits take up more of a doctor’s time than consultations at the surgery, this is due to travelling time and not length of consultations. Patients who have no mobility problems will be asked to come into the surgery for a face to face appointment, all requests for home visits are triaged by a GP firstly for appropriateness then urgency of visit.


Please note: patients failing to attend for appointments and who do not cancel their booked appointments, may be asked to seek a new GP in the area, as this is unfair on other registered patients along with being an abuse of the NHS services and funds.

Booking appointments online

Some appointments may be booked on line by using the link: https://www.patientaccess.com/

NO BLOOD TESTS can be booked on line

If booking on line then please read any blue symbol that shows at the side of the appointment time. These symbols provide information on what type of consultation this appointment takes, (i.e may read telephone only consultation, this means that the patient will be required to input a telephone number for the doctor to contact them on around the time of the appointment scheduled).  Patients booking telephone appointments will not be seen in the surgery but dealt with via a telephone consultation only.

Please Note: Due to pressures on appointments, wherever possible please try to book well in advance for routine issues.

Date published: 18th October, 2021
Date last updated: 26th October, 2022