Please note all of our surgeries and clinics offer face to face appointment or if you prefer can be telephone appointments or video where appropriate
Child Health Service clinic is a pre-booked newborn babies clinic, these appointments are pre-booked when a child is discharged from hospital. The baby(s) receive a full and comprehensive health check at 8 week or shortly afterwoods by Dr Darling. The Baby clinic runs on most Tuesday’s between 11.00am – 12.30pm
Postnatal appointments can be booked via the reception desk if required a check, and these appointments co-inside with the Baby clinic sessions, but commence at Tuesday 10.30 am
Ante-Natal Appointments are booked with the midwives at Howard Street Clinic, Meanwood Children’s Centre on Churchill Street, Castleton Children’s Centre on Melville Street, Norden Community Centre on Shawfield Lane. If you have any queries feel free to contact the Midwife Team on 01706 517223
Baby Injection clinic
Baby Clinic is held every Tuesday with the Practice Nurse. For a baby’s first injections at 8 weeks old they will see the Practice Nurse for vaccinations
We no longer have Health Visitors attending the surgery so appointments have to be booked else where. The health visitor clinics are held at Howard Street Clinic every Thursday 10.00am – 11.30am, Meanwood Children’s Centre every Tuesday 9.30am – 11.30am or Castleton Children’s Centre every Wednesday 1.00pm – 3.00pm. If you have any queries feel free to contact the Health Visiting Team on 01706 676300
Travel vaccinations
Travel Vaccinations are currently not available at the Practice, and we recommend you contact your nearest travel centre.
Flu clinic
We hold a Flu Clinic commence Sept to March for vaccinations. These are mainly for patients over the age of 65, patients with chronic diseases or pregnant women and patient 50+.
Asthma clinic
Asthma Clinic appointments are booked with the Practice Nurse this appointment will review you Asthma health condition, Inhaler techniques, lifestyle and medication.
COPD and Coronary Heart Disease clinic
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) patients are sent appointments routinely to have annual check-ups in the clinics with the Practice Nurse.
Hypertension monitoring
Hypertension monitoring is done routinely by either the Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant from Monday to Friday. If you are attending the surgery you can also collect a token from the Reception desk and use our machine in the surgery to assess your own height, weight and blood pressure.
Diabetic review
Diabetic reviews are also sent appointments routinely for annual check-ups.
Coil checks/Smear tests
Coil Checks or smear tests are booked in with the Practice Nurse from Monday to Thursday.
Pill checks
Pill Checks are now booked in with a GP, patients require a pill check annually but can request their prescriptions over the phone or online in between this time period.
Minor Surgery clinic
We also hold Minor Surgery Clinics every third Wednesday between 11.30am – 12.30pm with Dr Darling, and the practice nurse, this clinic is by referral from a GP only!
NHS Health Checks, Taxi/HGV Medicals and Adoption Medicals are also all done at the practice and can be booked in with a GP or Practice Nurse, Monday – Friday.