Repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered by

  • by telephone Monday to Friday 10.30 am – 6.00pm
  • face to face at the reception desk
  • by sending your request by post (provide a stamped addressed envelope)
  • by e-mail address: e-mail to:
    (Please ensure that your request for a repeat prescription, contains – your name, date of birth, your practice computer reference number (wherever possible, which can be found on the right hand side of your current repeat prescription in the top left hand corner) and your designated Pharmacist. Followed by a list of the current repeat items that you require only)
  • online via Patient Access:

For repeat prescriptions please use the previous prescription form and tick the boxes on the right hand side for the items you require, you can then place your requests for required prescriptions through our practice letter box at the front of the building.

We will endeavour to have your routine repeat prescription ready for collection either at the chemist of from the surgery in 72 working hour based on our routine opening days. (We have taken the decision to moved to 72 hours for collection from the 14.6.21, due to the volume of prescriptions being requested and to avoid delays in processing.)

We can post your requested prescription back to you, but only if you provide a stamped addressed envelope, (please advise the reception staff if you wish to have you prescriptions posted back to you).

Alternatively you can arrange with a chemist to collect your prescription on your behalf, but please advise our reception staff if you choose this option so that no prescription is inadvertently passed to the wrong person.  Please do not try to order items which you have not had recently or that are not on repeat as this may delay processing your  prescription request.

We are keen to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly. If the date for your next review with a doctor or nurse has passed, you may be asked to make an appointment for a medication review.

Date published: 14th June, 2021
Date last updated: 17th December, 2024